Selasa, 8 Februari 2011

dah blaja...... 02/02/2011

hari nie minggu ke-2 aku g class...masuk je class kitorang diarah sign in aq tunjukkanlah sikit step2nye yeeee....
miss bagi url name die... gi lah buka....

1) Go to url name:

2) Click JOIN for register:

3) Click agree button:

4) Register your data and click save:

5) Confirm the password again:

6) Go to your Yahoo!! Mail:

7) Check your email already:

8) Click the url name again:

9) Log-in your username and password:

10) Choose and click FOP (PART TIME):

11) Choose and click any item if you need to adding, for example click HOW TO CREATE YOUR OWN BLOG:

12) Click Reply for to create your url name:

13) Type your URL name and click priview:

14) Computer can priview your URL name:

15) After that, go to HOME and click LOG-OUT:

settle bab forum, miss bg notes utk chapter 1&2....hehe hmm chapter 1 plak, blaja pasal algorithm, pseudocode dan flow chart...untuk chapter 2 byk blaja pasal aku suka tp ssh skt...
Chapter 1
- Algorithm
  • get the width
  • get the height
  • calculate the area of rectangle by height with by multiply width
  • display the area of rectangle 
algorithm ni miss ajar camner nak cari width ngan height.....cara dan contoh yang miss bagi adalah reactangle...kite lihat....cara2nye adalah..hehehehe...
Contoh je:

Find area of reactangle

3                                  % modulus? -> baki
9  = 3/9
                                     4%5= 5 dibahagi 4
3 x 9 = 3*9                          = baki 1-> %

(+ & -) tidak berubah


- Pseudocode
  • read the width
  • read the height
  • set the area=width*height
  • print output
- Flow Chart
bile masuk bab nie aq blank sikit...xfaham langsung...miss ajar laju semacam macam kejar LRT...xblh nak follow...salah kt algorithm confirm salah flow chart yg kite xpe ni cabaran untuk otak yang lemah cam aq...hehehehehe...Algorithm & pseudocode lbh kurng je jwpn,, cume bezenye, jwpn utk Algorithm pjg dpd jwpn utk pseudocode..2 bende nie mmg ssh giler...feningggg jap....kengkawan tolong akuuuu...huhuhuhu...Flow Chart ni senang... kene hfl simbol... ade 6 symbols:-

yang aq faham tentang flow chart ni satu je Start/End msti ada bile Flow Chart.. Start ats....End bwh  Input/Output plak kne bt b4 n after Process..Process bese nye utk ltk formula yg dah tersedia pd soklan.. Utk Decision, Arrows dan Connector kurng faham coz lom pernah bt soklan yg gne simbol2 tu.. 
  •  Input = read, get
  •  Output = print, display
semua yg dipelajari berkaitan dgn programming format.. (utk drb n bhg)
  •  multiply = * (e.g 100 * 2)
  •  divide = / (e.g 10 / 100)
perghhhh...punyelah ssh chapter ni...macam nak pecah kepala...cnfm cam xleh nak score...huhuhuhuhu....pas miss terangkan segalanye, miss bg exercises untuk melatih otak ni tuk buat supaya pandai...sshlah juga...naik pecah pala otak aku cube juga...kate owg lambat faham lambat lupe....hehehhehehe...yaa..kite tgk sapa yg kena....hehehhehe...

Exercise 1
Find the area of circle:

formula: area=3.14*radius*radius


1) Algorithm
- get radius of circle
- calculate the area of circle with 3.14 multiply by radius by radius
- display area of circle

2) Pseudocode
- read radius of circle
- set area=3.14*radius*radius
- display output

3) flow chart

Exercise 2
Find celcius

formula: celcius=(5/9)*(fahrenheit - 32)


1) Algorithm
- get the fahrenheit
- calculate the celcius of equal five devide by nine multiply fahrenheit minus thirty two
- display the celcius

2) Pseudocode
- read fahrenheit - 32
- read 5/9
- set celcius=(5/9)*(fahrenheit - 32)
- display output

3) flow chart

Exercise 3
Find fahrenheit

formula: fahrenheit=(9/5)*(celcius + 32)


1) Algorithm
- get the celcius
- calculate fahrenheit equal to nine devide by five multiply by celcius plus 32
- display the fahrenheit

2) Pseudocode
- read celcius + 32
- read 9/5
- set fahrenheit=(9/5)*(celcius + 32)
-display output

3) Flow chart

Chapter 2
Dlm bab ni, blaja pasal C++.. yg aq fhm C++ ni blaja pasal coding..bab ni mengajar kite macam mana nak tukar data dlm flow chart kepada bentuk sistem @ coding...ssh2 jugak tp nak xnak kene buat...tengok bab ni yg aq mls sesangat aduhai xleh masuk kat kepala otak aq apepun kenelah take note jelaaa.. ni la cth C++ yg miss aja bnde ni kene tally ngan flow chart yg dah bt..

#include<iD stream.h>//header
main( )//start body
{//open curly bracket
 //declare variable
 float area;        |  float area;
 float radius;     |           radius;
 //input 1
 cout<<"Enter radius=";
 cout<<"area ="<<area;
return 0;
}//close curly bracket
 //end body

dlm bab ni,.... sume bnde yg msti ade dlm body..mencari aq simbol yg miss cakap nilah die simbol semikolon ( ; ) sgt pnting.. jgn alpa...simbol ni plak (//) namenye comment..ada 2 :
  • // = utk 1 baris coding
  • /* , */ = utk ksuluruhan coding / >1 baris coding
                  data_type variable_name
    IntegerInteger (o-9)
    FloatFloat (decimals)
    DoubleDouble (decimals)
    CharCharacter (a-z / A-Z)
    StringString (Sentences)
    ConstConstant (pi=3.142)
=> tgk formula
=> cri bpe Variable Name
=> Declare Variable

                 + INPUT

           Cout<< "________";


=> hati2 n ejaan, hrf bsr & hrf kcil
                    + OUTPUT
         Cout<<"______" <<variable_name_that_had_declared;

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