Rabu, 30 Mac 2011

lu punye pasal....CHINGAY.... 23/2/2011

minggu ni miss bagi soklan plak nak uji kefahaman kitorg....miss hentam bagi 5 soklan.....kitorang bukan xtau nak buat tp cepat lupe apa yang dah blaja....ape xnye class seminggu sekali....kalau cam sekolah menengah dulu lainlah...ikut jadual ni ikut hari...fuhh...nak ingat balik...punyelah lemau nauzubillah...apapun congrat kat miss sbb bagi soklan yang mencabar pd kitorg....kat bawah ni soklan2 miss bagi....

soklan miss:

1) Solve the question below:
     Solve the working
a) 5 * 2 % 3 + 25 / 5
b) a = 5, b = 6
     ! (( a < 3) && (a = 23) // ( b > 9))

2) Identify the syntac error in the following program:
      float allowance=300.00 salary;
      cout <<"Input Salary=";
      Tsalary=salary + allowance;
      cout<<"salary is="<<salary;

3) Write a program that will calculate the monthly salary for an employee that where Saturday and Sunday are considered as non-working days.

4) Write a program that calculates the average of 5 numbers that can be input by user.

5) Write a program that will calculate the area of reactangular, triangle and circle.

pas miss bg soklan ni...miss nak jawapan..tp kitorang xsiapkan sbb risau pasal ari ni ada CHINGAY ngan student ramai yang xdpt dtg sbb perayaan ni lah.....nyibuk jek......time tulah diorang nak buat jammed jalan....kitorg xsenang duduk sampai xfikir nak jawap soklan miss ni..hahhahaha....semua angkat kaki nak balik takut kenderaan xleh kuar....hahhahaha...miss jadi kalut...tp miss bg balik gak sbb miss pun risau juga takut die pun xbalik..hhehehehehehe...apapun homework is homework....kene lah siapkan....hmmm....